Sunday, January 30, 2011

RoMa, Ro Ma Ma

Welp! Finally made it to Rome! First stop The Colosseum. Not going to lie, it was pretty amazing stepping out of the train station and being completely overwhelmed by an architectural masterpiece. Pretty much the only thing I could do was smile, well until I discovered that I left my SD card in my laptop.... Luckily someone had an extra with them. THANK YOU LYNDSEE!!! A day in Rome without a camera would have been a shame. So after the Colosseum, we walked to Circus Maximus, or whats left of it anyway. Which is pretty much just some gravel and a dog park... Definitely no chariot races happening anymore these days. Next stop was Capitoline hill - not as impressive as one would think... But..... The Pantheon was freakin amazing! Definitely no disappointments there. We finished up the official school tour there and then the group split up. From there, most of the girls and I walked along the river toward the Vatican. We didn't get to go inside because time was limited, but it was beautiful! After getting yelled at by a mean scarf man that was upset about his prices being too high and getting mocked by some ass handing out fliers, we made our way to the Spanish Steps and then from there to the Trevi Fountain. By that time we were all so tuckered out from walking a good 10 miles all over Rome that all we wanted to do was sit and drink some wine. So we found a little Italian restaurant on the way back to the train station and filled up on pasta and wine. Then it was back to the train and back to Orvieto. My lumpy bed never felt so good....

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh to see the colosseum. Flipping amazing that you are there doing all this. I'm so enjoying all the pictures. Love you baby xoxo
