Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rainboots were a good choice.

2 blogs in one day! what!?!? yes, you are getting quite the treat today ;) Market day! Cheese and prosciutto as far as the eye can see! Had to purchase both of course. I also purchased a couple of sweaters. One happens to be quite stinky. Mmmm… Yummy market smell. Also bought some flowers to liven up the sterile nature of the apartment. Not sure what they are, but they are beautiful and smell much better than my new sweater. Now off to Scallo Orvieto or “Lower Orvieto” at the bottom of the hill to fetch some groceries from the supermercato. I haven’t decided yet if things are expensive or cheap. You can get a bottle of wine for 1 Euro, yet a bag frozen peas is 4 Euros… I guess I’ll be filling up on wine. Haha.The rest of today was full of walking and rain, the greatest combination since lamb and tuna fish. Or maybe peanut butter and jelly is something you're more familiar with? We took the train down to the bottom of the cliff to the supermarket. Oh what a great expedition that was. Miles of walking, 3 wrong turns, and directions from 4 strangers later and we made it! Fruits, veggies and wine galore. And wine really is cheaper than water. I think what is going to break me though is the twice daily latte macchiato at the cafe to access the internet. Thank goodness the man here recognizes us. Discounts are starting to float our way :) Tonight Lyndsee and I got complimentary cookies with our Lattes. Thank you Antoni! Another place I'm going to be a big supporter of is this little sandwich shop. The sandwiches are quite delicious, but mostly because the little old man is just so darn cute. He's very sweet, and every time we walk by he gives us the biggest smile and waves. So far, we have been very fortunate in the people we have met. All have been very welcoming and have made us feel like we are part of the community. It's already apparent that leaving will be bitter-sweet...

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