Thursday, March 10, 2011

Since we last saw each other...

We finally got home from Vienna. However, we weren't without our troubles. Out of pure boredom, Lyndsee and I decided to just go to the airport a bit early. After hanging out for an hour at yet another Mcdonalds, it was finally time to check in. We made our way through security (no need to take off shoes here!) and went to the terminal. We waited about an hour before we were informed that our flight was delayed 2 hours. Which pretty much sucked since there wasn't much to do in the airport after we went through security. There was a caviar bar :( some cheesy gift stands and an overpriced sandwich place. So we grabbed a sandwich, waited for another 2 hours, and finally got on the plane! Once we landed in Rome, we had to figure out how to get to our B&B. We weren't quite sure were the B&B was so we thought it would be nice to have a driver just take us there for just 15 euros a piece (same price as a train ticket). We found a service to take us but they wouldn't go anywhere until the car was full. So we waited for around 30 minutes and then decided to give up. We just wanted to get to our room and go to sleep since we had to wake up so early the next morning to make it to class by 9:30. So we went to the train station and tried to buy tickets, but all the machines were down. They wouldn't accept cash and the credit card option said "host offline." So we went back to the taxi service. I felt a lot like the prodigal child... We were still the only customers thus far so we had some more waiting to do. The driver let us go to the car to hang out. I immediately called Levi and gave him the company's information in case 2 unidentified American girls ended up in river. Finally 3 more girls came and we were off. Made it to the B&B, got to sleep, and 4 hours later.... time to wake up! We got to the train station, and then there were some ticketing issues. To make a long story short, out lack of sleep got the best of Lyndsee and we had to go wait in line for a refund on a ticket. We had 3 minutes to get to our train, and missed it... The platform was reallllly far away. It was actually outside the train station so there was no way we could have made it. The next train wasn't until 8:45, so we had a good 2 hour wait :( So there we are.... in another Mcdonalds... I slept like a homeless person while Lyndsee did some catching up on her Journal. 30 minutes before our new train was to depart, we made our way to the far away platform. Our train was waiting for us, so we hopped on, and I passed out again. And finally.... an hour and a half later, we made it to Orvieto; almost 2 hours late for class, but we made it... :) It always feels so good to be home! Since then, we have just been having a low key week here in Orvieto before we head out Monday morning for our trip up North. We will be visisting the home of Romeo and Juliet (Verona), Vicenza, and Venice. After that, I will be hopping on a plane to head down south to Barcelona! Stay tuned :)

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