Sunday, March 6, 2011

All Prague in a Day

19.99 to Prague, Czech Republic? Heck yes. Best decision ever. Lyndsee and I boarded the bus at 8:00 am, arrived in Prague at 11:30 am, and roamed around until 6:00 pm, when it was time to re board the bus. Our first stop was Old Town Square. There we saw The Church of Our Lady Before Tyn. Not too sure what that means, and we never figured out how to actually enter the church, but the exterior was quite lovely indeed! After searching for the entrance to the church and never finding it, we went up the city hall clock tower to look out over Prague. And no need to google any of these this time around! Pictures have been posted to facebook! Anyway, ever hour, on the hour, a trumpeter sounds his horn on each of the sides. At this time, on the clock on the front face of the tower, Jesus (not the real one, in case you were confused) and his 12 apostles march out. This is why so many people are standing below the tower in one of the pictures I have posted on the previously mentioned facebook album. After getting to the bottom of the tower, we asked the nice trumpet man to point us in the direction of a delicious authentic meal. He directed us to Hotel U Prince (the U isn’t said like our “U” I believe he pronounced it “Oodah.” Either that or we went to the wrong place. Oh well…) So there we dined on the 6th floor terrace and enjoyed some amazing Czech food. I believe the meat I inhaled was duck. Lyndsee took the safer route with a nice Chicken entree. Both were delicious nevertheless. After lunch, we made our way to a Frank Gehry favorite, Dancing house. This would be the crazy building behind us in so many pictures. From there we just strolled along the river, actually it was more hauling buns than strolling since we only had a couple hours left, but it was still fun and there were numerous photo opportunities. This is the bittersweet thing about Prague… It is an amazingly beautiful city, my favorite by far, and I wanted to take pictures of everything, but camera cards only have so much space… Moving on… We walked down the river and made it to the Old Town Bridge, also known as Charles Bridge. This bridge leads up to an enormous castle at the top of the hill. Unfortunately, 6 hours didn’t leave us enough time to go inside of it. However, just seeing it was good enough for us. After the Charles Bridge, it was time to head back to the bus depot. On the way back, we stopped at a small hole in the wall bar to try a Czech beer. Lyndsee and I decided that it would be wrong to go to a country known for having the original pilsner, and not try one. So we did! And……it was good! We (that’s right, both of us) actually liked it. For those of you who may not be aware of this, both of us pretty much despise beer… So we tried the beer, inhaled some second hand smoke and got our buns back to the bus depot. The bus ride home was pretty bumpy, so my plans to pass out didn’t work out too well, but it was nice to just relax. Once we got back to Vienna, we hopped on the underground and headed back towards the hostel. On the way back to the hostel a drunk Polish man sat across from us and made us highly uncomfortable. We were both starting to contemplate what we would do if he decided to stay on the underground until we got off. After discussing later, we had both decided that we were going to just keep getting on random undergrounds until he left us alone so he wouldn’t know where we were staying. However, creepy old drunk man was finally able to get off the underground. He had attempted once before but his drunk butt waited too long and the doors closed. So anyway, he left. Bullet dodged. Safely got back to the hostel and tucked into bed.

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